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Vacation To Lombok

Ok, I will try to tell all my reader in English, in this post I will tell you guys about my traveling to Lombok. This unplanned travel. Before I planed to Sawarna Beach-Bayah Banten, I heard from my friend Bayah is Bali for Cilegon, and I am very interest to go, after I look my friends photo’s. But after I tell my little brother, he gave advised to me to visit Lombok. And then guest what? I change  my mind, I go to Lombok. In this post I will tell you how to go to Lombok according to my experience :
  • I bought a plane ticket by my Smart phone, this my first time online book for plane ticket. I got Lion Air for Rp 1.400.00,- for Jakarta-Lombok and Lombok-Jakarta 

  •  I left at 05:00 am, I choose in the morning, because this is the cheapest ticket, I arrive at 08:00 am at the middle Indonesian Time, it’s mean in Jakarta at 07:00, I was tricky he..he, I thought I spend three hours from Jakarta to Lombok.
  • My advise : wake up early, don’t let your body to have some sport in the morning because u need to run to get checkn. 
  •  I was arrive in Mataram International Airport, this Airport just operation for two years, everything looks very nice, the highway, park and also travel center. No Delay, I was arrive in Mataram at 08:00, I have no idea where is senggigi and Gili, all I have only google maps and maps that I bought from book store. But this two things very usefull.
  • I decided go to Senggigi beach after I called my friend who have been from Lombok before, she tell me that I need travel to Senggigi, U can find easily many travel, I choose Blue bird travel, I paid Rp 200,000,- for Mataram-Senggigi. It takes around 2-3 hours, expensive. But fast and u don’t need to wait any passengers anymore.
  • If you don’t have any money for this case, use Damri. U only need to walk to the right of the airport, or u can ask the security where is Damri Terminal, u only need to pay Rp 20,000,- to Senggigi, very cheap. 
  •  I stay in Senggigi for one night, I stayed in Guest House, simple but clean. I paid for Rp 100,000,- one night. Local and International same price.
  • Spend your day In Senggigi beach, u can find small temple in Karang Bolong, or enjoy the beach and sunset. Sunset in Senggigi very beautifull. Any personal requirements u can find in mini market with normal price.

  • Many Restaurant in Senggigi, depend of how much your budget, u can choose the cheapest one around Rp 15,000,- for “Nasi Campur”. 
  • Then I plan to Gili Trawangan for two nights, I choose buy the ticket from travel agent, I paid for Rp 60,000,-. Actually the ship ticket is Rp 10,000,- but the port quite far away from Senggigi, around 45-1 hours.
  • Be carefully, make sure u got the ticket from your agent and then change the ticket to the port administration before u enter the ship. Your ship will be identify according to your color ticket. 
  • Enjoy the trip, feel the wind and the water, touch the water but be carefully if u don’t want get wet. From Port to Senggigi around 30 minutes, this is local port, it means not only tourist use the boat but all including local people. U can see what local people bring from Lombok to Gili.
  • Near to Gili Trawangan u will find beautifull beach, u can see the bottom of the sea very clearly, the ship guys tell me “Welcome to the Heaven”. 
  • I spend to nights in Gili Trawangan, day one I travel using bicycle, I paid Rp 100,000,- for two days. For Staying I paid Rp 250,000,- for the Hotel.
  • In Gili all is Beer, “BINTANG”, U can find SAMA-SAMA Cafe in Gili, enjoy live Reggae Music with nice vocal and great pianist. I met them and unpredictable the vocalist also from Sumatra and Bataknese same like me.

  •  I spend second day for snorkeling to three gili, I paid Rp 150,000,- for this travel, u will snorkeling in three spot, Gili Trawangan Spot-Coral Theme Park, Gili Meno for Finding Turtles, and Gili Air for Feeding Fish
  • Find Beautiful Sunset in Gili Trawangan

  • For Food u can find cheap local food, just like I said before Rp 15,000,- 
  • After 2 Nights in Gili, I get back to Mataram
  • I used Travel, I paid for Rp 250,000 to bring me to Kuta Lombok Beach, and then to Desa Sade (Local Traditional Village) 
  • In Kuta Lombok Beach not so crowded just like in Gili or Senggigi, this place seems for Surfing .
  • The beach beautiful and very clean, but many child sell some necklace bands. 
  • I spend only One hour because my flight.
  • I visited Desa Sade, this traditional village very unic, u need to pay as much as u can, I paid Rp 15,000,-, but I bought for a cloth for Rp 250,000,-. 

  • All in this village are family, because they are married to each other in this village, many of them are farmers and make handy craft.
  • The house floor is from cow dung, but no smell. 

  •  The Last thing, I really enjoy my travel alone, but I am not satisfied because my interactions to people still not so many.
Come To Indonesia, Come To Lombok, Visit Gili, and God Bless You.
Last Things


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